Meadowbirds on the horizon

Publication: Meadowbirds on the horizon

In the low countries of Europe, the downsides of industrial agriculture have been highlighted by the rampant loss of farmland birds, some of the most enigmatic of which are waders. In an attempt to be upbeat rather than the usual ‘depressed’, the International Wader Study Group (IWSG) workshop in Workum, Friesland, The Netherlands on 28 September 2018 took an idealistic approach. With an international team, we put all the work on our disappearing breeding waders to good use in the design of ideal landscapes with various species of meadowbirdson the horizon!

Meadowbirds on the horizon of southwest FrieslandHarvesting international ecological knowledge to connect farming practices in the southwest of Friesland with biodiversity. Download PDF here.

The book is both in English and Dutch, called "Een horizon vol weidevogels": Internationale ecologische kennis die de landbouw in Zuidwest-Friesland met biodiversiteit verbindt.

Authors: Ruth A. Howison, Heinrich Belting, Jennifer Smart, Mark Smart, Rob Schuckard, Ole Thorup & Theunis Piersma + International Wader Study Group

Publisher: International Wader Study Group. (IWSG first summarized the ever declining numbers of breeding waders in Europe. For those early reports visit the IWSG site).