In this expedition from 1 to 26 February 2024 we visited the most important areas during northward migration for Black-tailed Godwits in southern Spain and Portugal. Our aim was to resight i...
In this expedition from 1 to 9 October 2024 we visited the most important areas for wintering Black-tailed Godwits in southern Spain. Our aim was to resight individual colour marked birds, d...
Most of the Yellow Sea intertidal mudflats are critical feeding areas for migratory shorebirds on their journeys to and from their breeding and non- breeding grounds. The areas used by migra...
Dans ce rapport nous décrirons les expéditions du NIOZ au Parc National du Banc d’Arguin en 2023. Cette année, nous avons effectué trois visites au Parc National pour nos travaux sur l...
De landbouw in Nederland staat voor een grote uitdaging: het produceren van genoeg, veilig en gezond voedsel zonder dat dit ten koste gaat van de leefbaarheid op het platteland voor plant, m...
Usually, the acknowledgements section goes at the end of the report. Here in Broome the work that happens would never happen without the input of the volunteer team and therefore to us it m...
In this expedition from 5 to 13 October 2023 we visited the most important areas for wintering Black-tailed Godwits in southern Spain. Our aim was to resight individual colour marked birds,...
In this expedition from 1 to 26 February 2023 we visited the most important areas for Black-tailed Godwits in southern Spain and Portugal during northward migration. Our aim was to resight i...
Cette année, c'était notre 21eme expédition hivernale consécutive de recherche sur les limicoles dans le Parc Nationale du Banc d’Arguin. La première expédition a eu lieu en novembre...
Jaarverslag 2022 “On the way to Godwit-proof…” De staat van ons landschap: Biomonitoring van duurzame landbouw innovatie De landbouw in Nederland staat voor een grote uitdag...
En mar et avril 2022 nous sommes allés au Banc d'Arguin pour attraper des bécasseaux maubèches pour la recherche par satellite. L’objectif était d'équiper bécasseaux maubèches avec ...
Post-war intensification of agriculture has extensively modified the countryside of Europe, transforming most semi-natural grassland habitats into homogeneous fields, characterized by mecha...
Grasslands that remain intact for many years become more naturally valuable for every year they are left untouched. These permanent grasslands are more valuable for biodiversity than grassla...
In this expedition from 1 to 26 February 2022 we visited the most important areas for Black-tailed Godwits in southern Spain and Portugal during northward migration. Our aim was to resight i...
In this expedition from 3 to 13 October 2022 we visited the most important areas for wintering Black-tailed Godwits in southern Spain. Our aim was to resight individual colour marked birds, ...
We describe a vocal signal and associated postures shown by Eurasian Spoonbills Platalea leucorodia leucorodia just before the departure of (part of) the flock from a site, but also occurrin...